grace of God has appeared bringing
salvation to all Titus,
We gather to
celebrate the gift of salvation graciously offered to us by our loving
God. By this gift, he offers us the possibility of a life giving
relationship with him, he enables us to worship him in Spirit and Truth
and opens for us the possibility of being united with Him in the Halls of
Heaven. This celebration of Christmas fills us with joy. A joy that is
first and foremost spiritual but that manifests itself in concrete ways.
We have decorated our homes, set our tables, gathered family and friends.
We have prepared gifts for those we love and we have not forgotten the poor and
afflicted. May all our efforts to show our joy at the birth of a Saviour lead
us to a deeper commitment to follow the Christ Child, the only one who can lead
us to peace and joy.
Happy and
blessed Christmas to all!
e Fr. Marc-Andre