Today a light will shine upon us, for the Lord is born to us; And he will be called Wondrous God, Prince of Peace, Father of future ages: and his reign will be without end (introit – Mass at Dawn).

Dear Brothers and Sisters, in this holy season of Christmas we are invited to rejoice.  Our Joy is not due to any human accomplishments, we are not celebrating our own prowess; no, we are filled with Joy because the Lord is with us. Through Him, we have hope!
Times are hard, many people suffer but we are not sinking into darkness because the Light of Christ shines brightly upon us.  May we be able to spread that light to others.  May our joy be contagious!
As we celebrate the Birth of Christ at Christmas, I offer prayers for you and those you love.  May the Newly Born Infant-God, that long awaited Messiah bless you and sustain you.  May the awareness of God with us, bring you true joy.

gFr. Marc-André Campbell