The Epiphany of the Lord

    We joyfully celebrate his manifestation to the peoples of the entire world, represented by the Magi who came from the East to render homage to the King of the Jews. From its initial appearance, therefore, the light of Christ began to attract to himself the people "with whom he is pleased", of every tongue, people and culture. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that moves hearts and minds to seek truth, beauty, justice, peace. It is "men and women are on a journey of discovery which is humanly unstoppable - a search for the truth and a search for a person to whom they might entrust themselves". Men and women of every generation need on their pilgrim journey to be directed: what star can we therefore follow?
    After coming to rest "over the place where the child was", the purpose of the star that guided the Magi ended, but its spiritual light is always present in the Word of the Gospel, which is still able today to guide every person to Jesus. This same Word, which is none other than the reflection of Christ, true man and true God, is authoritatively echoed by the Church for every well-disposed heart. The Church too, therefore, carries out the mission of the star for humanity. But something of the sort could be said of each Christian, called to illuminate the path of the brethren by word and example of life. How important it is that we Christians are faithful to our vocation! Every authentic believer is always travelling his own personal itinerary of faith, and at the same time, with the little light that he carries within himself, can and must be a help to those alongside him, and even help the one for whom finding the way that leads to Christ is difficult.         ~ BENEDICT XVI January 6, 2008