April 29th World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Pope Paul VI instituted the World Day of Prayer for Vocations (the 4th Sunday of Easter) on the 11th April 1964 by saying: “O Jesus, divine Shepherd of the spirit, you have called the Apostles in order to make them fishermen of men, you still attract to you burning spirits and generous young people, in order to render them your followers and ministers to us” (Pope Paul VI launching the 1st Word Day of Prayer for Vocations)

Today, on this Vocations Sunday, the Church throughout the world is asked to pray for and encourage vocations to priesthood and religious life. Pope John Paul opens his encyclical of 1992 on the formation of priests - Pastores Dabo Vobis with the words of Jeremiah "I will give you shepherds after my own heart" (3:15). He recalls the promise of today’s Gospel that God will never leave His flock unattended. Such is the love of the Father that he will provide for the needs of His people. One of the greatest needs today, indeed if not the greatest need, is the gift of peace. When he appeared to the disciples in the upper room his first words to them was ‘peace be with you’. He was aware of their distress and their greatest need. Having peace of heart is worth more than anything. It can help you cope with the greatest of challenges and the toughest of situations. Knowing that no matter what we are going through, that we are not alone, that the God who created us walks with us and holds our hand is worth more than anything the world has to offer. God reveals this presence and this love through the gifts of the sacraments…The ultimate words the priest says are during Mass; ‘This is my body given up for you’, ‘this is the Chalice of my blood...poured out for you and for many’.  Today we pray that the voice of Christ calling those who have a vocation will be heard clearly and that they may have the courage to answer that call so that the generations to come may know true peace. {http://www.vocations.ie/VocationsSunday/Message}   
Excerpt from The Holy Father’s Message for today … “Dear Brothers and Sisters, the 49th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, which will be celebrated on 29 April 2012, prompts us to meditate on the theme: Vocations, the Gift of the Love of God…With this prayerful hope, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing to all of you: my brother bishops, priests, deacons, religious men and women and all lay faithful, and especially those young men and women who strive to listen with a docile heart to God’s voice and are ready to respond generously and faithfully”. From the Vatican, 18 October 2011  - BENEDICTUS PP. XVI 
For the full text see link below or visit our website:


Please join us for a march on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves – the unborn.  The Knights of Columbus are organizing a coach which will leave from St. Francis of Assisi Church (2473 Thorn Lodge Dr., Miss.) Thursday, May 10th at 6:30 am., returning the same day at approximately 9:30 pm.  Cost is $50 per person.  To book a seat, please call John Killackey at 905-820-9232.

Divine Mercy Sunday

“I consider this message [of Divine Mercy] my special task. Providence has assigned it to me in the present situation of man, the Church, and the world.”  -  Pope John Paul II

During the Mass of canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000, the year of the Great Jubilee, Pope John Paul II proclaimed: "It is important then that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the word of God on this Second Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church, will be called Divine Mercy Sunday." The readings on that Sunday are always about mercy, trust and the forgiveness of sins.

By the words "the whole message," the Holy Father was referring to the strict connection between the "Easter Mystery of the Redemption" -- the suffering, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, followed by the sending of the Holy Spirit -- and this Feast of Divine Mercy, on the Octave Day of Easter. This feast adds so much more meaning to the Easter celebrations. It was Jesus, Himself who asked for it to be celebrated on this particular Sunday following Easter.

“…Divine Mercy! This is the Easter gift that the Church receives from the risen Christ and offers to humanity.'' (taken from Pope John Paul II’s Homily on Divine Mercy Sunday, 2001)


EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 8TH 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m.,11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (note change in Mass time)


These are the words that resonate throughout the world as the Church celebrates the Resurrection of the Lord. These are the words of the Sequence sung before the Gospel today.  This Sequence is sung in all Catholic Churches the world over. The same words and in the same language – Latin -- makes our thankful praises rise before God.  His Church, with one voice, remembers this day that the one who is Sinless gave his life for us sinners.  May our joy be a sign of the depth of our gratitude!

The Sequence continues thus, “The Prince of Life, who died, reigns immortal”, a reminder of the victory of life over death and sin.  Through Christ, in whom we believe, we are saved!

Yes Christ, my hope is arisen; to Galilee he goes before you.”  Those are some of the concluding words of the same Sequence.  We, like Mary, and like the first disciples, are invited to place our hope in Christ who today rises from the dead.  Let us place our hope in him, and come to the realization that he, who is our hope, is never far from us, he precedes us in the Galilees of our day-to-day life.  May the Joy and Hope of Easter fill your hearts and bring you comfort. With Christ, eternal happiness is now possible.  Christians offer thankful praise to the Paschal Victim!

A Happy and Holy Easter to all.

Fr. Marc-André Campbell