UTM Campus Pastoral Ministry

Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph:

Where does the time go?  Next week brings the end of summer vacation and the start of the new school year 2012-2013, and with it new beginnings for many.    Here at St. Joseph Parish, we welcome Veronica Pereira to our Pastoral Team!  Veronica, a parishioner of St. Joseph Parish, will be the Campus Minister responsible for the co-ordination and delivery of pastoral activities on the UTM Campus. The UTM Chaplaincy, to which I am Chaplain, is run and funded directly by the Archdiocese of Toronto. 

Veronica, has previously taught at the university and is a person of profound faith.  She is committed to making our faith accessible to our young people at university.    I trust that you will join me in welcoming Veronica and wishing her well in her work at the university.

Time does pass quickly.  In this busy life with all its time constraints, may all of us always find the time for Him, our gracious and loving God.  As we go forward, may God continue to bless and guide us.

In Christ,
Fr. Marc-André Campbell

UTM Mass on campus
Tuesdays at 12:10 p.m. in the Board Room (2nd floor of the Student Centre). All students, staff and faculty are welcome to attend. Email utmcatholics@gmail.com for more info.