Once again, September has arrived. Everyone has returned from summer
vacation, and the many different summer activities that keep people crazy busy.
We move from the hectic activities of summer into the hectic activities of
September: the start of the school year, the beginning of the kids’
sports or other weekly activities. At our Parish it means the
startup of our Catechesis programs, the choirs, and of all of the Ministries
that have taken a few months off for the summer. Sometimes it can seem like a case of “same
old same old.” Even if we really do appreciate this time of year, it may feel
as though we’ve seen it all before. For
children, September really does bring a fresh start to a new year in their
lives. It can be that way for us
adults too. September can be a new beginning for all of us. It is a great time to give our spiritual
journey some ‘face time’. Becoming involved in your Parish can start
by becoming a member of one of our Ministries, choirs or volunteering at Parish
events. There’s always room and a need for more involvement in the Youth Ministries
of our Parish. For our church to really increase how vibrant and
relevant we are in our world today, we need people to take part in roles both
large and small. Whether this kind of involvement is new for you, or if
you’ve been filling some role for years on end, there are always new
opportunities waiting for you. May each one of us, be open to Jesus
making all things new in us. May this September be a new
beginning for all of our Parish family.
ePeace, Fr.
Marc-André Campbell