From the Pastor's Desk

Ah, September!  With the calendar turning to September this coming week, a new pastoral year will begin!  It’s hard to believe how quickly the summer months have passed, and now, we settle back into our regular routines.   
  Commercials on TV and radio have bombarded parents with preparing for the return of their child/children to school.  The central message is, essentially, preparing for the big “back to school”.  It is a time to recommit to a routine that brings growth and enrichment, new understanding and surprising lessons – some of which are learned the hard way.
  For the past several weeks, the scriptures being read at Mass are doing a similar thing:  preparing us for the eternal kingdom.  The preparations are revealed through the Parables, their mission, to have everyone experience the kingdom of God – the greatest treasure we can acquire.       
  As we get back to our busy lives, we should take time to reflect on who God is calling us to be and what God wants us to do.  How wonderful it will be to share our sense of God’s presence and direction as we gather as a Parish community at our Fall Picnic on September 21st , and then as we stand up for Life during the upcoming 40 Days for Life (Sept 24 – Nov 2) and at the Life Chain on October 5th.   Fellowship opportunities are back on the agenda.  When we know one another and know the joys and concerns we are each experiencing, we can pray for, support and minister to one another. 
  It is my prayer that you share this excitement about what God’s been doing in our lives and what God is leading us to do in the months that lie ahead.  It is also my prayer that you’ll join with me in joyful commitment to worship and serve God, who has brought us to this amazing place in the Life of this, His church.     May we open our minds and hearts as we continue to prepare ourselves for the kingdom of God.                            ePeace,   Fr. Marc-André Campbell



Legion of Mary
Sept 2
Upstairs 7pm
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Sept 3
Hall 7pm
Bible Study – Gospel of Matthew
Sept 8
Hall 7pm
Coffee Hour
Sept 9
Hall 9am
St Joseph’s Protectors
Sept 9
Basement 7pm
Rosary Apostalate
Sept 11
Basement 7pm
C.W.L General Meeting
Sept 20
Hall 9:30am
Knights of Columbus General Mtg
Sept 23
Hall 7pm