The 23rd World Day of the Sick will be celebrated, as it is every year,
on February 11, 2015, the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. This year, the Holy
Father's Message is entitled: "I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the
lame" (Job 29.15). In his Message, Pope Francis invites the ill, the
professionals and volunteers in the field of the health care, and all of us to
reflect on the wisdom of the heart (sapientia
cordis) "This 'wisdom' is not theoretical, abstract knowledge, the
product of reasoning. Rather, it is, as Saint James describes it in his Letter,
'pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits,
without uncertainty or insincerity' (3.17)".
“…I entrust this World Day of the Sick to the maternal protection of
Mary, who conceived and gave birth to Wisdom incarnate: Jesus Christ, our Lord.
O Mary, Seat of Wisdom, intercede as our Mother for all the sick and for
those who care for them! Grant that, through our service of our suffering
neighbours, and through the experience of suffering itself, we may receive and
cultivate true wisdom of heart!
ePope Francis (From the Vatican, 3 December 2014)